
About our various wardrobes…

We strive to ensure that most of our themed attire is born by using bits and pieces of clothing from local charity thrift shops and mixing and matching each piece to create authentic appearances for each one of us. We like to do our part in helping the environment by using garments and props that already exist whenever possible.

Our Classic Attire collection was created with the men wearing suits that they already had, while the women wear long taffeta evening dresses that were purchased at That Nothing Be Lost Thrift & Antique Shop, which is located at St. Christopher’s Inn at Graymoor in Garrison— our favorite place to find perfect costuming pieces! We highly recommend that everyone donate and shop in this amazing four-story shop, so filled with treasures! As for other shops that we hit for costuming, we tend to check out Goodwill or The Salvation Army. If you have other thrift shops that you would like to recommend to us, please send us an email to let us know about your favorite spots! EMAIL US!

To top off the look for the women, we paid to have uniform gold wraps to drape around the dresses, as seen in our Classic Attire shots below. In addition, we also paid to have new bonnets and capes made by hand for the women in our Dickensian Attire collection for our caroling events. Using the same evening dresses as we wear with out Classic Attire, we simply wear blazers, (which were purchased from the thrift store mentioned above at Graymoor,) over the dresses to create a more Victorian appearance. Madeleine sewed up the hanging white hand muffs and then sewed long lace to the ends of each blazer sleeve to complete the look. And, of course, the men wear lovely top hats, indicative of the Victorian era. For a truly authentic appearance, the men must have their top hats!

Our Groovy Attire collection was introduced for our jazz and pop concerts, which we premiered at Jazz Forum in Tarrytown at the First Annual Sleep Hollow Literary Festival in 2019. Again, off to the thrift stores where it was a cinch to find some really “far-out” pieces to combine with what we already had in our own closets in order to create our 1960’s-1970’s representation. From leather to corduroy to knits and polyesters, we found the exact look we were each going for. We are excited that we will have some new opportunities to offer more jazzy pop soon!

For our upcoming Early Period collection, Madeleine is already scouting out new pieces at thrift shops to create costumes for the quintet to perform music from the Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque periods for an Early Music & Fashion Show performance set for the early summer of 2022. It’s an exciting new project that, in late 2021, is already underway! Stay tuned for photos of those costumes to be uploaded in the spring of 2022.

We are proud of our various collections of costuming, as well as our basic store-bought formal attire. We feel that the right attire compliments the music that we love to sing as well as showing off our versatility. We enjoy dressing up and it’s always nice to see our audiences light up upon catching their first glimpses of us as we make our entrances. We are happy to delight the crowds with both our music and our wardrobes!

If you have any costume pieces that are taking up valuable space in your closets or attics and are interested in donating anything our way that you think we may be able to use, please EMAIL US with photos of what you are willing to part with!

Classic Attire brasiles-ensemble-ad-1


Individual Shots

Spring Attire 

Dickensian Attire

Groovy Attire

Performance Shots

All photos above by Clayton Scales ©2016 – 2018

Fun Shots! – These special shots show us in our “other” lives! Ed loves to travel, Michael (piano) love fencing, Paul loves to jump during his travels, Laura is an actress, Speare has amazing upper body strength, Kim is a writer and Madeleine loves ballet and photography! We have a lot of fun together chatting about our other interests and careers!